Healthy soil means greater, higher quality harvests.
Better harvests means economic prosperity.
Who we are
At Climate Smart Organic Green Initiative, we know that sometimes all it takes to make a farm successful is a little support. We created CSOGI to make an impact on farmers through improving the fertility of soil. We have already transformed farms in Benin, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia and Zimbabwe.

What We Do
We love “bioremediation” a fancy word for restoring degraded soils to rich healthy soil that can give farmers bountiful harvests. We do this by adding microbes into the soil to create a natural biodiversity that builds plant immunity and boosts plant growth.
We produce the following bioliquids that are microbial concentrates:
- Life LaB, a lactobacillus microbe liquid concentrate which builds strong roots systems, plant immunity to pest and diseases and increases the plant ability to absorb nutrients from the soil.
- Life FH+, which is a fish-based liquid microbe concentrate that boosts plants growth like you’ve never seen before.
- Life IGE+, a microbially rich probiotic that reduces chick deaths, increases immunity and boosts chicken growth in a natural way so they put on weight naturally quickly.
We restore hope to rural communities by engaging youth and by financing small agribusinesses to kickstart economies n small rural communities. We like working with youth and women’s cooperatives.

Climate Smart Organic Green Initiative
Accra, Cotonou, Dakar, Dar es Salaam,Â
Harare, Kampala, Lilongwe, Lusaka, Moscow